So, it snowed about ... oh, half an inch, maybe? And, of course, all of Britain freaked out. All planes were grounded, people were falling over everywhere, headlines splashed the front pages saying things like, "CHAOS ACROSS BRITAIN" and "STRANDED ON THE M4 [freeway] AND LEFT TO DIE". Okay, maybe I made up that last one, but seriously - these people have never experienced an East Coast winter. We used to have two or three feet of snow at Mount Holyoke and I'd pray for my classes to be cancelled, only to be repeatedly told that everything would be running as usual and all assignments would be expected on time. Sigh. I would have cried, but I think I tried that once and my tears nearly froze on my face. L. L. Bean got a lot of business from me my first year.
Watching the snow flurries from work (above) was a real treat, however. Snow tends to make everything prettier - even if it's just a light dusting. Like icing sugar.
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