Monday, January 27, 2014

Attention, US Expats! Tesco Expands Its "American Foods" Aisle

I was in my usual, dramatic, mid-rant to John about something in the middle of Tesco Finsbury Park when something caught my eye: Apple Jacks. Except, I didn't just walk over to have a look, like any normal person would. Instead, I screeched, "APPPPLLLLLLLEEEEEEEE JAAAAAACKKKKKSSSS!!!! OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GODDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!" in the middle of the busy store. And then suddenly, it was, "A1 SAUCE!!! OH MY GOD I NEVER HAVE TO EAT BORING STEAK AGAIN!!!! OH MY GOD I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR THIS EVERYWHERE!!!" John looked on, bemused, as I began to do a supermarket-sweep of the shelves.

Yes, Tesco now seems to have very well-stocked shelves full of American goods in its Metro stores. And just imagine: if this is what the Metro stores hold, what might the mecca of regular-sized stores have? Goldfish crackers? Graham crackers? The possibilities are endless.

In the end, this is what I walked away with (carried in my arms like a crazy person, of course, since I hadn't intended to buy anything when I arrived and was too far away from the baskets to grab one ... I also had an irrational thought that if I walked away from the Apple Jacks, it might have all been a mirage after all ...):

I can't wait to use the A1! At £4.75, the family size Kraft Macaroni & Cheese was probably my priciest purchase, but seeing as how I just finished the two packs I had brought back from Target, I thought it'd be worth it. I also got some mint M&Ms, but those were all eaten before this photo could be taken (and I'm pretty sure the beef jerky packet above was empty as well).

Then, when I was shopping for ingredients for John's birthday cake at the Tesco Metro in Covent Garden yesterday, I came across this:

I'll pass on the Hershey's (ew, gross, ick - who eats Hershey's in the land of Cadbury???), but two words: LUCKY CHARMS. LUCKY CHARMS, people!!! Next thing you know, they'll be stocking Cinnamon Toast Crunch! And, you see those bottles in the middle? That's root beer. Previously, I've only seen root beer at Byron's, when I order it every time with my burger.

And the prices aren't too insane (though I did get Pretzel M&Ms at my local dollar store in Washington for 75 cents and they're £1.50 here ...). Just insane enough for central London. I couldn't be happier.

Watch out, Britain - us Yanks are taking over the world. One Tesco Metro at a time.

p.s. Peanut butter and jelly. Yes, it's real. Get over it!

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